Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our Country

China is a huge country, larger than the U.S.A. and only second to Russia and Canada.  We are at the far east of Asia and west coast of the Pacific Ocean, isolated by natural geography.  Gigantic deserts and mountains block our north.  Vast wasteland and mountains block our west.  Thick jungles and mountains block our south.  The Pacific Ocean blocks our east.  The isolation enabled China to develop the longest civilization in continuity in the world.

We have four major river systems and twenty-three provinces.  The provinces are grouped into four major regions, following the four major river systems:

  1. Northeast Region:  Amur River system.  Provinces 1-3 on the map.  The heartland of heavy industry and historic Manchuria.  Borders with Korea and Russia.  Faces Japan over Korea.  Contested between ambitious Japan and Russia.
  2. North China Region:  Yellow River system.  Provinces 5-9 on the map.  The political heartland and cradle of Chinese civilization.  People are more cultured and reserved.
  3. Central China Region:  Long (Yangtze) River system.  Provinces 10-17 on the map.  The richest land, the "rice basket," and economic heartland.
  4. South China Region:  Pearl River system.  Provinces 19-24 on the map.  The gateway of westernization.  People are more progressive and adventurous.  Most Chinese in America are from Guangdung (20), most Chinese in Southeast Asia are from Fujian (19).  Most people in Taiwan were originally from Fujian.  Guangsi (21) borders with Vietnam.  Yuan-nan (24) borders with Laos and Burma, and Thailand is only a strip of jungle away; hence, the gateway of modern drugs.

    We have the highest population in the world, about one billion, 23% of the total world population.  One of every 4 to 5 people in the world are Chinese.  The population in one Central China region alone (Long River system) is more than all other Communist countries combined.  Ninety-four percent are Han race, living in the four major regions, in the eastern third of the country.  Eighty percent are peasants.

    Six percent minorities live in Autonomous Regions.  Fifty percent are nomads.

    1. Guangsi Chuan Race (21):  50% of total minorities.  Peasants, many speak Cantonese dialect.  Borders with Vietnam.
    2. Tibet Race (25):  Buddhists.  Different from us in culture, literature and custom.  Borders with three tiny Himalaya countries (Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan) and India.  Most lands are loose sands and mountains, uninhabitable.
    3. Sinjiang Uighur Race (26):  Moslem.  Center of nuclear industry and pathway of historic silk route.  Borders with Russia and touches Afghan and Pakistan.  Other minorities are:  Russian, Kossack, Turk, Kirgis.  Some have blue eyes, brown hair and hooked nose.
    4. Ninghsia Huei Race (27):  Moslem, called Hei religion in Chinese.  Borders with Outer Mongolia.
    5. Inner Mongolia (28):  Mongolian Race.  Buddhists.  Borderes with Outer Mongolia.  People are expert horsemen.
    6. Other minorities scatter in pockets:  Li in Hainan Island; Shan in mountains of Taiwan (Shan means mountain); Thai and Yi in Yuan-nan; Miao in Gueizhou; Russian, Korean and Manchurian in Northeast.

      Climate is warm in the south and cold in the north.  In summer, the whole country is hot and humid.  In winter, rivers are frozen in the north while the south never sees snow or ice.  The main crop in the north is wheat; in the south it is rice.  Southern foods are more plain and pure in flavor.  Northern foods are heavier and spicier.  Most spicy foods are in Hunan and Szechuan (15, 16).

      We have four special products that top the world:  silk, tea, porcelain and bamboo.  The texture, softness, luster and beauty of Chinese silk made it a precious commodity all over the world for thousands of years.  The aroma, flavor and soothing aftertaste of Chinese tea was unmatched by any tea in the world.  Chinese porcelain vases and jars were make from a special kaolin clay.  It was a combination of spectacular technology and art.  Bamboo was used to make anything and everything - houses, bridges, high-rise platforms, household tools, furniture, water pipes, even gas pipes as early as 200 A.D.  Before paper was invented, books were carved on bamboo plates.

      We have four "Best Zhou."  "Best born in Suzhou; best wear in Hangzhou; best eat in Guangzhou; and best die in Liuzhou."  Suzhou (10) produced the most beautiful girls.  Hanzhou (11) produced the most beautiful silk and textiles.  Guangzhou (20) produced the most delicious cuisine.  Liuzhou (21) produced the best wood for coffins.

      In spite of our huge size, distinct division and diverse dialects, China has only one common written language, one culture, and one history.  We also have our deep-rooted common tradition.  The common Chinese characters are: hardworking, moderate, humble, value the family ties, respect the elders.

      We are proud of our Chinese heritage.

      Our Problems

      The major national problem is population growth.  The land productivity cannot keep up with the relentless rate of population growth.  The other serious problem is political corruption.

      The major local problem is natural calamities, and the inaction to cope with them.  In our district, we had drought and flood alternatively year after year.  When the rice paddies were badly in need of water for irrigation, there was drought.  When the rice grains were turning golden and yellow, and badly in need of sunshine for drying, there was rain, then flood.  One year our whole crop was swept away by flood.  We saw locust invasion only once.  They were large grasshoppers, the size of a big thumb, swarming all over the ground and ruining the whole crop within hours.

      Population growth, natural calamities and political corruption put the peasants in perpetual poverty, then bankruptcy.  That eventually led to social unrest and violent revolution.

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